We R Only Human

IS A "HOLISTIC" (mind, body, soul) LIKE APPROACH TO LEARNING..  When your "lost in translation" and the classroom just isn't enough....


We R Only Human

is a coach, mentor, tutor for the future(LPN, RN, HHA,CNA,PCA) healthcare worker. Our services provide new and innovative, out of the box learning strategies to learning. We are not only greatly aware of the ongoing struggles that go along with healthcare today but the growing need for more healthcare providers are increasing.  Being a healthcare student and learning the new  language of healthcare can lead to anxiety, depression and down right loss of motivation.  We help the student how to find confidence and understanding it takes to get through the difficult school day and the super "foreign languages" of healthcare. We focus on the students  Ability, not their   disability.


My Story

The days I Failed

After two years of boring monotonous classroom instruction, and an incredible amount of hyperventilating into a paper bag  and crossing my fingers and toes till the cramped,   i realized that i was struggling to understand what I was being taught.  Embarrassment from failure loomed around every educational corner that I turned.  Ridicule and misunderstanding from my friends every time i panicked and I knew I had a huge roadblock in front of me.  I was terrified, It was time to take my boards (NCLEX) once again. This wasn't the first time me and the mighty monster came into battle. Not once, not twice but, three times (each time taking the test finishing at 200 questions) I failed and failed and failed again. Suffering from horrible anxiety attacks each and every time that I sat for the boards, I would hyperventilate, I would panic, I knew was done for and that i would never get to live out  my dream of becoming a nurse.. What will I do for work? How can I help support my family? I thought about how much time and energy I put into school. So now what? I did what I had too, I scheduled that test for the 4th time. The night before my 4th scheduled test date my dad got sick and went into the hospital, I stayed with him and my mom all night. I had no time to study and no time to waste  panicking. I went into my boards that very next day after an all nighter in the hospital. I was to tired to worry, to tired to cry! I just knew that I wasn't going to pass this time. To my astonishment, I finally did it, I FINALLY, I passed my NCLEX boards!  And  listen, if I can get there, you can too!!!!
Its Now your tIME!

Do what works for you..

The Choice Is Yours

Need motivation and focus throughout your school year or even just one semester?

 Need guidance and someone to break it down because "you just don't get it"?

Join us for a free group or individual review for the big test day  …make the choice that's rite for you!


If I can do it, anyone of you can!


Riddled with anxiety stuck with ADHD, I was hyperventilating before dosage exams, my concentration was out the window. I was having panic attacks during proctored skills. I was my own worst enemy. Other students looked at me as If I were absolutely crazy. What was wrong with me? I never thought I'd make it to the end...

 I thought I knew my nursing but really I just memorized the answers. When it came down to it, I only saw the meat and potatoes but what about everything else that went into the recipe? What about the spices used, what were they? What about the potatoes, what kind were used and the meat, there are so many different cuts? Get it? If not you will!

  I realized I wasn't getting the big picture. I wasn't understanding the who, what, where and why to the test questions. This was why I had a problem retaining the answers. We R Only Human shows you a different way of learning and retaining what you learn. Today is a new day, let's yourself begin again!